Юбилейный Кот и Остров Рептилий - 2023, август

Музыка: Моральный кодекс - Кошки @Mazaycom/ Место съёмки: Фестиваль “Юбилейный кот“ и “Остров рептилий“ Съёмка: Алиса SivaKotka, Сергей Falcon Монтаж: Алиса SivaKotka This channel still remains out of politics, although politics has now touched everyone in Ukraine and Russia. I will continue to make AMV. Where I lack words, let my favorite characters speak for me to music that reflects my view of what is happening around me. In the future, I plan to add English subtitles and collect translated videos into a separate playlist. This channel is non-commercial because it is more important for me to convey in the music I use in the video my real mood than to make the video available for monetization. But if you go to support a forum or channel, or say thank you for the work, creativity or video edited for you, you can do it by following the links:
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