Traditional Christmas Foods

The following video provides a brief introduction to some of the more traditional Christmas food items, including plum pudding, mince meat pie, eggnog, and more. In this video: The word Christmas brings many images into the minds of those who celebrate the joy-filled holiday. Thoughts of family gatherings, shopping sprees, Christmas lights, gift exchanges, stockings packed with sweets, Santa Claus, reindeer, and snow-covered postcards all bring a smile to one’s face if they truly enjoy the holiday season. Yet, one other very important element of the holiday should also come to mind. FOOD. There are many different dishes associated with Christmas. What are a few of these and how long have they been around? There are many foods that people living in the 21st Century look forward to as part of the upcoming Christmas feast, but, believe it or not, the “traditional” Christmas meal has changed a lot over the years. With that being said, there are a few of the modern, staple delights that
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