The Fandango

The Fandango is an English Country Dance, originally appearing in Thompson, 1774. It was adapted by W.S. Porter in 1931 and changed from a triple minor to a 3 couple dance. Found in The Playford Ball, and included in the article “A Trip to Netherfield“ in the Playford Assembly. Thompson writes: Turn Right hands & cast off 1 Cu. · turn Left hands and cast off below the 3d. Cu. ·· Hands 6 quote round · lead up the middle & cast off 1 Cu. ·· turn corners & turn your Part: · the same at the other corners ·· Man whole figure at bottom & Wo at top the same time · then the Wo. hey at bottom & Man at top ·· The animation plays at 120 counts per minute normally, but the first time through the set the dance is slowed down so people can learn the moves more readily. Men are drawn as rectangles, women as ellipses. Each couple is drawn in its own color, however the border of each dancer indicates what role they currently play so the border color may change each time through the minor set.
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