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Веломобили могли стать, самым распространенным видом транспорта среди жителей стран СНГ - еще во времена советского союза, но удешевление топлива позволило эту нишу заполонить автомобилям. Однако не смотря на это нужно быть более практичными в новом мире - и это самый оптимальный путь! Веломобиль не требует топлива! и это самый огромный плюс.
What is a velomobile? - A cross between a bicycle and a car or motorcycle. depending on the configuration velomobile can perform different functions, it can be individual tourist or leisure services, and in some cases, the worker, there is cargo models and family options.
Unlike bicycles, recumbent is more stable, it is possible to place the required weight, and thanks to the streamlined body shape, it has less air resistance at high speeds, it is also excellent protection from wind and rain, plus much more comfortable to sit in a sports car.
single individual model is good because it develops great speed because of the ease, the small size and streamlined shape fiberglass hull.
two local recumbent little slower, but good that carries more weight it is possible to communicate with one another ilb loved one, heading for the city or just a trip into the countryside.
four or more local recumbent will be convenient to any family, a recumbent unhurried but do not think that the whole family will you hurry somewhere, it probably would be a trip out of town, can shop in the city center or suburban area - anywhere / A if you want to get somewhere fast, use public transportation.
Velomobile not need fuel, oil, gaskets, antifreeze, expensive spare parts, this is a logical and practical investment, rather than buying expensive toys always hungry, of course velomobile also need to maintain - but it is only small investments.
Spend a lot of money to help people and make life more enjoyable your family - this is the most important, happy people.
1 view
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