How To Swim Like A Mermaid | Fin Fun Mermaid Tails

Are you Mermaid Tail Ready? Have you watched our Mermaid Tail Safety video and committed to safe swimming? If so, you’re ready to learn how to swim like a mermaid! In this video, we teach you how to swim just like a mermaid in your Fin Fun Mermaid Tail. Remember, even if you don’t own a mermaid tail yet, you can practice many of these exercises with your legs or with a monofin only. What’s crucial to proper mermaid swimming technique? Learning how to perform the dolphin kick! It may take you some time to master the dolphin kick in your mermaid tail, but don’t give up! And don’t forget that the “mermaid dolphin kick“ is slower and more dramatic than the traditional competitive dolphin kick. Keep practicing and soon you’ll have mastered how to swim like a real mermaid! Buy your own tail here! Why are Fin Fun Mermaid Tails #1? 100% Swimmable - Enjoy the freedom of mermaid swimming in a fabric tail made from premium swimsuit material. Superior Safety Feature
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