Standoff2 Made in Ohio | New Season 5 | Funny Moments

Hope you enjoy my so2 funny moments! It takes me a while to edit these videos. I would appreciate if you subscribe, share the video, like and comment below! Thank you πŸ’™ ID: 52054267 Clan: none Instagram: ChowdSo2 VK: Chowds Official Discord: Chowds#6042 Device: iPad 2021 Country: UK App editor: Lumafusion Sensitivity: , , #standoff2 #стандофф2 #fragmovie #funny #csgo #mobilegames #gaming - Unity ES - UN So2 - Skallens - IM8 - Lust - EasT - Surge fpl - North 0:00 Levitation 0:10 Missing a whole P90 clip 0:23 Sandstone 24/7 0:37 Horror movie 1:05 Hacker scrim 1:33 Best callout to exist 1:57 Ecofrag warriors 2:30 Best aim in the game 2:56 Anti-flash activated?!
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