Kabalevsky Violin Concerto - David Oistrakh

♪♫♪ ♪♫♫♪ I was totally hooked the first time I head this. As an alternate recording, I suggest listening to Shaham’s recording. I uploaded this in my old account but reuploaded this as a whole instead of having to listen to it in pieces. Back then youtube didn’t allow users to upload videos longer than 10 minutes long. ♪♫♪ ♪♫♫♪ To gain a better understanding of the chronology violinist composers and soloists, I have made a list including the year each was born: Corelli 1653 Vivaldi 1678 Bach 1685 Tartini 1692 Locatelli 1695 Leopold Mozart 1719 Hellendaal 1721 Nardini 1722 Gavinies 1728 Haydn 1732 Boccherini 1743 Cambini 1746 Clementi 1752 Viotti 1755 Fiorillo 1755 Shaw 1755 Wolfgang Mozart 1756 Lindley 1756 Pleyel 1757 Dussek 1760 Brooks 1760 Kerutzer 1766 Wesley 1766 Beethoven 1770 Balliot 1771 Paer 1771
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