Covering the Smells Like Teen Spirit B-Side version of Aneurysm with my recreation of Kurt Cobain’s studio guitar tone. This is my first video with my K Strat build 😍
HUGE thank you to @d7kurt for the excellent backing track!
Backing track:
0:07 - side by side tone comparison
0:43 - amp & pedal settings
1:24 - full cover
Fender K Strat Build
- Fender Tex Mex Middle & Neck Single Coils
- Seymour Duncan 59B
- Dean Markley 10-46 strings
- Orange Dunlop Pic
Boss DS-1
Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb
Like what I do? Buy me a coffee so I can stay awake while I mix audi
...o and edit videos 😴
My amazon storefront where you can buy gear/parts Kurt used:
Vandalism Strat Stickers - use coupon code “nirvanaguitars“ to get 2 for the price of 1:
Nirvana Gear artwork by SketchyPedals:
Lomic Guitars - Where I got my custom 2021 Jag-Stang Pickguard:
Learn Nirvana songs with Fender Play!
Follow me on instagram at @nirvanaguitars
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