Surviving a Week with “TOXIC“ Competitive Warhammer Players...
Last week I attended one of the BIGGEST tournaments in the Warhammer calendar, the AOS World’s Team Championship!
But I wasn’t there to play games...
I always hear stories about ’that guy’ in relation to people who play Warhammer competitively and, as someone who has only played ’Casual’ games I was intrigued at how this kind of event would look when over 230 competitive players from around the world come together to play their favourite game with the intention of becoming the ’best team in the world’
This video is kind of a ’Vibe check’ both from you guys who sent me your thoughts an opinions on the subject AND the people at the event who were being their authentic selves and I hope that everyone enjoys it and watches it with an open mind and heart :)
00:00 - Intro
02:22 - What IS AoS Worlds?
03:29 - LETS GO!!
06:21 - ’Competitve players dont paint...’
09:06 - ’Competitve players arent fun...’
12:23 - ’Why I Hate Competitve Players...’
18:24 - ’Competitve players are bad losers...’
21:00 - Outro!
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