Türkiye is sinking again! Flood hit the city of Adana

Türkiye is sinking again! Flood hit the city of Adana Turkey has been hit by disaster again, after the earthquake and tornado that hit Turkey some time ago. Now heavy rain and hail are causing flooding in Adana City! There was heavy rain mixed with hail. Traffic is congested in many parts of the city. While roads and streets were submerged in floods, flooding occurred in many parts of the city. The rain, which started in Adana at noon, increased in intensity in the following hours and left its place in hail. #turkey #flood #tornado #hailstorm banjir,kalkun,banjir,banjir kalkun,kalkun sekarang,türkiye,sel türkiye,hujan lebat,cuaca,badai,hujan,badai petirkalkun hari ini,banjir di turki,banjir kalkun barubaru ini, HABOAHEHME,AIG, 3las gnktntin,banjir, k,N9NN,a,őyJmonpmòJ,bencana, berita,ramalan cuaca,banjir bandang,salju,berita turki,berita hari ini,cnn #snow #snowstorm #blizzard #russia #rostovregion #washington #stpetersburg #moscow #snowfall #winter #w
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