Half a million at prayer . First pictures of Eucharistic Congress. Vast open air congregat...(1934)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit HALF MILLION AT PRAYER First pictures of Eucharistic Congress. Vast open air congregation hears Mass? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION Buenos Aires, Argentina: Gen. view pan. from crowd to monument. Pan. of crowd. Gen. view of monument and crowd in foreground. Semi view of priests and semi view of girls dressed in white. Semi view of Pres. Justo. Gen. view of monument and crowd. CU. pan. of Cross. Sound Effects: Off-stage voice describes Eucharistic Congress. Religion and Superstition; Crowds; Ceremonies - Religious; Argentina Background: HALF MILLION AT PRAYER First pictures of Eucharistic Congress. Vast open air congregation hears Mass at great biennial assembly of Catholics. FILM ID: VLVA852OTW8XF2FAD3NZQNWXJSDLF To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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