Shashka and Happiness.
What is the link between the art of spinning an ancient saber and happiness? It’s a feeling of the present moment! Performing well arm changes, tosses, spins, and body moves, you feel a present moment. By doing things on time, you get yourself in the Flow. You feel your wholeness, your ability to live, and your privilege to exist. This Flow or a feeling of the present moment is the stream of Life.
Precisely at this point, you face with an Universum, with God. As a matter of fact, in Slavic languages, the word happiness («счастье», schastye) is derived from the word meaning time, moment («час», chas).
Be with us!
Be as we are!
Be better than we are!
Best regards, Andrey Karimov ladsibir@
Шашка и Счастье.
Как фланкировка или крутка шашкой связана со счастьем? Чувством момента времени! Выполняя успешно перехваты, броски, вращения и передвижения человек попадает в Момент времени - (Час). Вовремя всё делая, он ощущает себя в Потоке. Человек чувствует себя полноценным, способным жи
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