Artificial Muscles Robotic Arm, Real Copy of Human Arm

This robotic human arm is a copy from real one I experienced in dissecting room. I want to use it a prosthesis arm and as a part of a humanoid robot. Construct solutions comes from real human anatomy, only ligaments was changed into hinges. It is based on redesigned human skeleton bones. By using artificial muscles I achieved soft tissued - natural looking structure of the forearm, and I will cover it with skin. The arm weights only 1kg and the powering electro-hydraulic unit weights 8kg. This is powered by water pressure 0,7MPa and electro-valves. If you want to see this project going up please subscribe, like, comment, share this video, or support me on Patreon: Visit my facebook: #roboticarm #artificialmuscles #humanoidrobot
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