Second part of our exclusive documentary on Chiba Tsugutaka Sensei, one of the last Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu masters. Chiba Sensei was the student of Tokimune Takeda, Hisa Takuma, and Heizaburo Nakatsu. He is also the one who proposed the name “Takumakai“ when the organization was created.
00:00 - Introduction
03:22 - Then I went to Hokkaido
03:38 - Who had these scrolls originally?
04:50 - The history?
05:35 - Is this Takeda Sokaku here?
05:51 - When does it actually start then?
06:30 - You don’t understand it?
06:43 - What if we went to Aizu?
07:46 - [practice]
10:13 - How old were you when yo
...u went to Hokkaido?
10:54 - Did Chiba Sensei ever meet Takeda Sokaku Sensei?
12:42 - There was no Takumakai at the time right?
13:01 - It was called Daito-ryu Aiki-budo wasn’t it?
13:49 - What kind of keiko were we doing at Tokimune’s dojo?
15:15 - [practice]
20:01 - Training in Hokkaido
21:06 - This is also what Tokimune Sensei used to do in theShow more