How’s My Port from Godot 3 to Godot 4 Doing? / ’Penitent’ Devlog 17

Hi. Here’s another devlog of my 3rd person post-apocalyptc demon shooter game called Penitent. I haven’t done much devlogging lately - instead I’ve been focusing on informal tutorials. I think I’ll take a brief hiatus from those now and focus on my project a little more, especially that Godot 4 is approaching feature-freeze, meaning we should be able to start making actual games with it very soon! (This is massive news for me, how about you?) So, since my focus is going to be on making game progress from now on, I thought I’d do a video to summarise my journey so far, porting the game from Godot 3 to 4. This video was made when alpha 12 was the latest dev snapshot. Enjoy. #Godot4 #MovingtoGodot4 #GodotEngine
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