Fixing our eyes on Jesus4 Matthew 20:34

Fixing our eyes on Jesus4 Matthew 20:34 Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him... As we examine the Book of Matthew we see a group of individuals that had not been following our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Whatever the reason was up until that point in their life they had not chosen not to follow him, they wanted something from the Lord they had not received. there are some of you reading these words you are not following the Lord because there is something deep down that you want from the Lord these individuals wanted their site, Jesus gave it to them immediately when the Lord gave them their site, gave them what they really wanted they immediately began to follow him. My prayer for each of you may God give you whatever that thing that is your heart that you really desire so that you too will decide to follow our Lord and savior Jesus christ. The gospel is traditionally attributed to the Apostle Matthew. According to predomina
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