Tomb Raider 3: Lost Debug Code found!

A couple years ago I did a stream where I basically went through all of my PS1 games, and upon reaching a demo for Tomb Raider III, I remembered that I used to know how to activate a debug mode. I tried for 15, 20 minutes to remember what combination of buttons it was, but couldn’t figure it out. Then I boot up the same demo in an emulator last night and figured out the button combo on my second try. Go figure. I was sure that somebody out there had to have documented this at some point, but apparently not; I’ve done a few searches since that stream, and as far as I can tell, there’s never been any mention of it on the internet ever. Until now. I found the code purely by accident. When I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do was to try and break games. Especially demos; since they were often all I could afford at the time, I would try and find ways to make my own fun. After accidentally holding the right combination of four buttons, I found this. And now, 15 years later,
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