Pipkin rabbit wakes up from sleeping and dreaming with his human. The bunny rabbit enjoys sleeping with his owner and nuzzling and cuddling. When the indoor rabbit is very sleepy and comfortable the rabbit will lucid dream, and think he is eating and drinking in his dream. The rabbit dreams of eating banana or eating watermelon - his favorite foods. When the rabbit wakes up, he loves doing rabbit waking owner videos!
Rabbits love cuddling and nuzzling. Are bunnies the cuddliest creatures? Yes! We think so! Rabbits are very loving and affectionate, and make excellent companions.
Pipkin rabbit is a free roam rabbit who is litter trained, so he does his best to use his litter box when he is awake. Sometimes when the rabbit sleeping, the rabbit dreams he is on his litter box, so he goes to the bathroom. Obviously that’s not his fault. When the indoor rabbit sleeps, the rabbit dreams, and does rabbit sneezing. Beyond making a poop when rabbit sleeping, he also eats, digs, and runs in