[HD] Johnny Depp in Iconic Cameo Scene | “Creep“ by Radiohead | Happily Ever After (2004)

Happily Ever After (French: Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d’enfants; Translation: They married and had many children) is a 2004 French comedy drama film. The film is written and directed by Yvan Attal, produced by Claude Berri, and starring Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal. It was released in English in North America. For English-speaking audiences, the film is highly recognizable for the lengthy cameo appearance of Johnny Depp, who speaks fluent French. (wiki) _ _ _ For me, it always be one the best best scene ever. I just want to share the High Definition footages from original movie. Hope you like it! #johnnydepp #radioheadcreep #happilyeverafter #creepradiohead #johnnydeppcameo
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