Future Shenzhen - North Station Urban Design

With a scheme of twelve staggering skyscrapers, an elevated pedestrian network and a beautiful green urban park, Mecanoo architecten gives the Shenzhen North Station business district a distinct character. The main buildings of the business district are set around a central urban park and vary in height between 278 and 428 metres. By situating the transportation nodes on the subterranean levels, the public park appears as an open green space, something the area currently lacks. The two-level plinth merges with the design of the park through an intricate network of overpasses, ramps and landscaped platforms that seamlessly weave into the urban setting, offering safe and comfortable access routes to the Shenzhen North railway and metro station. Commercial areas face the park in order to generate a lively public space. The elevated pedestrian network connects all towers of the Shenzhen North Station business district, creating a comfortable small-scale atmosphere that reinforces the sense of a neig
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