Wheelchair Dance

WEB SITE -- ’Wheelchair Dance’ is an independent film and web piece created in anticipation of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics by interested Japan-based creatives, inspired by the wheelchair and contemporary dance. The protagonist in this piece struggles with the challenges the idea of universal love poses, challenges he is unable to fully overcome. The notion that endeavour will be inevitably be rewarded is nothing more than an illusion, in reality there are things that are inexplicably out of reach. In this short film, we hoped to embrace the emotions these contradictions provoke in all of us; anger, envy and sadness. We feel the skills honed through sport and art should be celebrated, through this piece we hope to shine a light on the Wheelchair Dance genre and demonstrate its fascinating depth. We hope that its brilliance may be appreciated as a form of expression in its own right - regardless of disability. We want to live in a world were people are connected through the
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