Prophecy Timeline Part 2. Rise of the Beasts. When?

Prophecy Timeline Part 2. Rise of the Beasts, Whatever or Whoever That is. Revelation 13:1 Political Beast, ruler of nations Rev. 13:11 Another Beast, a powerful religious leader Revelation 17:12 Ten kings… receive power for one hour with the beast. In the future. None of these major political and religious movements are in place. How long will it take? God knows, I don’t, no one knows, so let’s not second-guess it. It certainly will take a few years. When it happens, Rev. 17:8 says They that dwell in the Earth will WONDER … at the beast that was, and is not, and yet is (or in Greek, “shall be present”). This prophecy is sure… but let’s not speculate about its imminence. Please like and subscribe for more about in-depth Bible Study to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture. How to do in-depth Bible study 24/7/365 free. Go to to use the Bible tools: King James Bible Hebrew-Greek Interlinear Bible Strong’s Concordance.
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