Of Mice & Men - Space Enough To Grow

Of Mice & Men’s song “Space Enough To Grow“ comes from their album ’Restoring Force’. Buy/stream at What do you see when you close your eyes? How do you feel when you see it? Who is to say that it isn’t real? & why can’t we lie to believe it, to believe in something? Look into the emptiness & step into the cold, right between your body & your soul. Deep inside of all of us, there’s something left to hold. Even when we give up all hope, there’s space enough to grow. I know that we are all terminal. We sail on borrowed time. It’s never about what we leave behind, it’s how we live our lives. Look into the emptiness & step into the cold, right between your body & your soul. Deep inside of all of us, there’s something left to hold. Even when we give up all hope, there’s space enough to grow. What do you see when you close your eyes?
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