Genshin Impact/Eula: Flickering Candlelight Character Demo BGM Advanced Piano Arrangement

When I heard of this new Character Demo BGM, I was very surprised and I know it’s gonna be very difficult to arrange the beginning. A lot of use of percussion and guitar in Flamenco style (someone reminds me that it’s not tango but Flamenco). I tried to add some repeated/rhythmic chord when my hands are free (too many things happening everywhere) and I think that’s all I can do to try to imitate and hopefully that works for you listeners (Sometimes I played too much during arranging and I become half deaf which I have no idea if it sounds good or not anymore). Main theme of Eula is pretty much the same from 1.5 PV or Eula PV. Eula PV (Midnight Encounter at the Tavern): 1.5 PV (Beneath the Light of Jadeite): I tried to make sth bit different but I don’t find quite obvious after I recorded it.
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