Hello everyone!
My name is Tereza.
Welcome to my channel.
Please view the 3 month schedule.
March 1 - the traditional variation of the sun salutation.
March 2 - vinyasa surya namaskar
March 3 - ashtanga surya namaskar.
March 4 -ashtanga vinyasa yoga.
March 5th - 10 MIN LEG STRETCH - hamstrings, butt, thighs - for sore muscles and flexibility
March 6th - Full Body Yoga for Strength & Flexibility
March 8 - Seated Yoga For All Levels
March 9 - 15 Minute Yoga Twist And Flow Sequence.
March 19- 10 min Seated Morning Yoga Stretch for Stiff & Sore Muscles
26 March - Relaxation of the entire body, Savasanna.
1 April - 1-hour practice to strength and stretch the whole body.
April 8 - Breathing technique, The full yogic breath.
April 15 - Breathing technique, Ujaya pranayama.
April 22 - Breathing technique, Nadi Shothana.
April 29 - Meditation technique, Apanasatipranayama.
May 7 - Meditation. The tree of life.
May 14 - 1-hour, Deep Stretch and r