This sim took “best friends forever” to a new level in the sims 4 #shorts #shorts30

Another chapter in our Spooky Tales from the Simstagram. You’ve all heard the saying, “BFFs for life.“ But what happens when that friendship takes a weird turn... dag dag. #shorts #shorts30 #thesims4 #sims4 Quick summary of video: best friends being best friends forever until the other one got a little too controlling. so they ended up being BFFs, literally, forever. Be sure to subscribe to my channel. I have merch!! Store: Work with me! Link to media kit: Follow me on social media: Tiktok: @nardvillain Sims 4 Gallery : Nardvillain Facebook: ​​​ Instagram: ​​​ Instagram: ​​​ Twitter: ​​​ NARDVILLAIN’s
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