The Number 506 (HD)

This is a video about the number 506, its relevance to thelema and how it may be a secret key for Aleister Crowleys Liber AL vel Legis. ___ General equation and the conditions for the formula (. stands for concatenation): 5.6 = 5.4 = a.c = a.b = - the first digit is shared (a) - if a middle digit exits it is 0. - the last digits (b c) add to 10, therefore the result ends in 0 (). - (10*a) c b = (10*c) Other examples that hold for the same conditions would be: 207 23 = 203 27 = 230 603 67 = 607 63 = 670 702 78 = 708 72 = 780 801 89 = 809 81 = 890
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