GTA 5 - F&F 1 - Dom’s Mazda RX-7 Build W/ CRAIG LIEBERMAN! - Annis ZR350 Customization

Welcome back to the series where I build popular Fast & Furious cars using vehicles in GTA Online. In this series I customize the vehicles as close as possible to the movie car using the available vehicles and customization parts we currently have in game. This time, we have a special guest, Craig Lieberman, the Technical Advisor for the first two movies. Plus he was the owner of the famous Toyota Supra Mk4 and Skyline R34 GT-R featured in the first two movies. Craig Lieberman’s YouTube Channel: @craiglieberman Featured Car - 1993 Mazda RX-7 Notable Scene - GTA Vehicle Info: Annis ZR...350 Base Price - $1,615,000 (Trade Price: $1,211,250) Class - Sports Drivetrain - RWD Primarily Based On - Mazda RX-7 FD DLC Update - Los Santos Tuners Update Release Date - July 20th, 2021 My Gaming Setup: Keyboard: Mouse: Mouse/Keyboard Pad: https:/
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