If you think it is “conspiracy theory” or “fear porn” to believe that the United States Government is capable of putting their o

If you think it is “conspiracy theory” or “fear porn” to believe that the United States Government is capable of putting their own citizens in internment, or detention camps…YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. This is FAR from unprecedented, not just in the U.S. but our Government has also done this in other countries to indigenous populations. One of the most famous examples is during WW2 when Japanese citizens were put into prison camps via Executive Order 9066 under the direction of then President Roosevelt after the attack on Pearl Harbor. We have been conditioned for many years to turn on, and “report” our own neighbors. Unlike back in the 40s, there is now a MASSIVE ARMY (30 Million) of illegal immigrants they can utilize as opposition to dissident Americans, knowing that American Military and LEO would now be reluctant to do the “dirty work” on our own citizens. This is what Patriots/MAGA have to look forward to if they STEAL this Election, and we SHOULD take this VERY SERIOUSLY. Source: PatriotVoiceOfficial
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