Russian Tanz der Vampire “Wenn Liebe in dir ist“ English Translation
Subtitled English translation of Когда любовь живёт в тебе/Wenn Liebe in dir ist from Bal Vampriov. Be sure to enable closed captioning to view. Translation by me ( ), video provided by the wonderful Merina ( )
Alfred - Sergey Denisov
Herbert - Kirill Gordeev
Translation notes: Как попка прелестна твоя - “What an adorable behind you have!“ : There’s no real English equivalent of “попка“ or “прелестна“, попка is a very nice way to say “butt“ and прелестна is what I understand to be a polite form of beautiful/cute. Here, Herbert’s complimenting Alfred’s posterior in the most polite way possible.
Приветик - “Hey there“ : “Приветик“ is the personal, familiar form of “Привет“, which is “Hi“