VIOLENT PRAYERS AGAINST AGENTS OF SATAN. We hereby address all witches, warlocks, sorcerers, occultists, false prophets, satanists, psychics, corrupted ministers, evil priests, satanic priests, African occult priests, hardened criminals, murderers, wicked unrepentant men and the enemies of God, as the agents of Satan. We hereby address all negative words, evil incantations, demonic rituals, hexes, evil covenants, and all demons sent on assignment through various curses, as witchcraft control. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the Holy Spirit we speak to the principalities and powers, the spirit of the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites; and we bind your power and dismantle the order and systems of your works. Father arise and scatter Your enemies, fight them that fight against us in the name of Jesus (Ps. 35:1, 68:1). God, arise and disgrace them that want to shame Your people, in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, we ask for Your holy oil to smear our souls and grant us the supernatural anointing of the Holy Spirit (Ps. 89:20). As we face our enemies in agreement, we ask for Your presence to be with us and Your arm to make us strong (Ps. 89:21). We declare that the enemy is not permitted to advance against or afflict our lives (Ps. 89:22). Lord, release Your wrath to beat down our foes and plague those who hate us individually and collectively (Ps. 89:23). In the name of Jesus, let the blood of Jesus Christ cover our families and let Your holy fire go before us. Let the angel of the Lord pursue the powers of witchcraft control and inflict destruction upon the agents of Satan fighting us (Ps. 35:5-8). We call upon the all-powerful name of Jesus; let our enemies become uncomfortable as we invoke the power of the name of Jesus Christ. Father, let our enemies be forced to witness Your blessing falling upon us, in the name of Jesus. We raise our hands in the name of Jesus to bind and rebuke the works of Python and her associates who pursue mammon and divination (Acts 16:18). Let the powers of protection for witches, warlocks, wizards, satanists, sorcerers and psychics, be broken in the name of Jesus. We ask for holy fire to incinerate beyond reformation the opposing systems of familiar spirits, necromancy, religious spirits, unrighteousness, death, destruction, and all extended occult powers. Father, let Your warrior angels assault the agents of Satan in this region, scatter them with flames of fire; with supernatural lightning and thunder, in the name of Jesus (Ps. 29:7). Our prayers are Your war club and weapons of war, Father release seven deadly blows against all who have cursed us (Jer. 51:20). Let the blood of Jesus be released to revoke blood sacrifices and demonic fasting initiated against us. By faith, we block witchcraft control, and by holy fire we destroy all attacking powers of psychic prayer, voodoo, mind control, curses, hexes, vexes, jinxes, spells, and charms in the name of Jesus. By holy fire, we destroy all attacks sent by the powers of bewitchments, incantations, chanting, sickness, pain and torment. We nullify every spiritual attack from human enemies against our lives, marriages, businesses, and ministries; we ask You to return these curses to the sender in Jesus’ name (x2) (2Th. 1:6). We command all demonic powers of attack to return to its sender, we bind it to them and may they experience judgment and torment seven times greater, in Jesus’ name (Ps. 79:12). Agents of Satan we blind all your monitoring spirits by the finger of God, we deaf and dumb all familiar spirits and by the word of God we sever the silver cord of your astral projection. In the name of Jesus, we consecrate the atmosphere over our homes and churches; we declare these areas to be an exclusion zone for monitoring spirits, familiar spirits and astral projection. Let our homes and churches be forbidden territory for demonic points of contact, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus with the sword of the spirit in our mouths, we strike every stubborn evil spirit who refuses our command (Eph. 6:17). Stubborn spirits may you receive the fire, the arrows and the lightening of God, to pierce you through and drain your power (Ps. 64:7-10, 2 Sam. 22:15). We are safe, for our defense is from the Almighty God, but we pray the agents of Satan will face Your wrath (Psa. 7:10-11). Father in the name of Your son Jesus, we ask that You deploy Your instruments of death against all wicked and unrepentant agents of Satan (Psa. 7:12-13). We issue a decree in the realm of the Spirit that all agents of Satan will fall into the very pits they have dug for us, in the name of Jesus (Ps. 7:15). We thank You that Your word decrees that the trouble caused by the wicked shall recoil back into their head. We believe it, and we release it (Ps. 7:16). AMEN!
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