The most BEAUTIFUL book you’ll ever hold, written especially for YOU (in a much GRANDER sense...)

I had promised something new and innovative in the Biohacking/personal growth space this year that I’d be offering - not another supplement, app, gadget, or AI thing - but a strikingly beautiful and enduring thing. It’s a book, but a book unlike any you’ve ever read, a #book specifically for YOU. And when I say for you, I mean you in a much grander sense. I mean your #legacy; which is the exponential network effect reverberating into the future of the dedication, excellence, loyalty, wisdom, knowledge, presence, and love that you bring to your work, your family, your relationships, and your community. And of course, I also mean the beautiful young life you create, raise, and sacrifice for. The genetic essence of you that will outlast your corporeal form by many thousands of years. The everlasting you that echoes for eternity. Here I describe what kind of book this will be and the profound philosophical connection between #beauty and truth... ▶️ Watch on #Odysee: @jroseland:f/BEAUTIFUL-book:9 Everything about the #Anakainosis program and book can be found here 🔗 Apply for the program ⏩ #LimitlessMindset
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