China Tests its New Gigantic $9 Billion Aircraft Carrier

China Tests its New Gigantic $9 Billion Aircraft Carrier China is the main competitor to the US for global supremacy but now the Eastern Giant may be revealing the ace up their sleeve. America has always been a key figure in the marketplace for aircraft carriers but Chinese latest development of a brand new Type-003 aircraft carrier for $9 billion may very well just be the thing that pushes China across the finish line first, securing it’s much coveted title of ‘world leader’. Aircraft carriers are already known for their giganormous size so news of a fresh one of the production line almost sounds like a minor update. Indeed, China’s previous two crafts had some peculiar starts. 00:48 Liaoning 02:50 Shandon 04:07 Type003 06:37 J-35 & J-15
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