Battle of Annaberg - Germany and Poland Fight Over Silesia I THE GREAT WAR 1921

Sign up for Curiosity Stream and get Nebula bundled in and SAVE 26%: The question of the allegiance of the ethnically mixed region of Silesia had already caused heated diplomatic arguments between Germany, Poland and the Allies after the First World War. After a divisive plebiscite the situation escalated into violence. Neither Germany nor Poland could officially send troops, but German Freikorps and Pro-Polish militias fought it out. » SUPPORT THE CHANNEL Patreon: Become a member: » OUR PODCAST - interviews with World War 1 historians and background info for the show. » BUY OUR SOURCES IN OUR AMAZON STORES * *Buying via this link supports The Great War (Affiliate-Link) » SOURCES Boehler, Jochen. Civil War in Central Europe 1918-1921 (OUP, 2018) Campbell, F. Gregory: The Struggle for Upper Si
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