Russo Ukrainian War (Feb 2022- Feb 2023), one year of Russian invasion of Ukraine/俄烏戰爭一年更新版

#russiaukrainewar #烏俄戰爭 The animation will show the one year of russian invasion of ukraine (Feb 2022-Feb 2023). 0:00 Full-scale invasion Invasion Begins (特別軍事行動開始) 0:29 Battle of Kyiv and northern front (基輔戰役與北方戰線) 0:40 Siege of Mariupol (馬里烏波爾戰役) 1:39 Russian withdraw from the northern front (俄軍撤出北方戰線) 1:58 Battle of Sievierodonetsk & Lysychansk (北頓內次克/利西昌斯克戰役) 2:34 Battle of Bakhmut & Soledar (巴赫穆特/蘇勒答爾戰役) 2:48 Ukrainian southern counteroffensive (烏軍南方反攻行動) 2:54 Ukrainian eastern counteroffensive (烏軍哈爾科夫反攻行動) 3:04 Annexation referendum (併吞公投) 3:23 Russian withdraw from Kherson(俄軍撤出赫爾松) __________________________________________ 這部動畫將顯示出烏俄戰爭一年間的戰線變化。 Music(音樂): ЖЕСТЬ!!! САМАЯ МОЩНАЯ И ЖЕСТКАЯ ВОЕННАЯ МУЗЫКА!!! Долгожданная Новинка! Классная Мощная Музыка Для Души! “Не Оставляй Мечты“! explosion sound Resource(資源): Wikipedia 俄乌战争期间对乌克兰的援助列表#国家与地区 #/media/File: War Mapper #twiiter RT The Moscow Times Euromaidan Press The Guardian ? Aljazeera Institute for the Study of War Reuters Jamestown Foundation Militaryland CNBC
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