[LVL4] Watercolor Tutorial: How to paint a Rose wet on wet
[ Level 4 ] How To : Watercolor Painting / Demonstration for Beginners / 수채화 그림 그리기
❖ Classification of paints
- Beginner (Level 1, Level 2)
- Intermediate (Level 3, Level 4)
- Advanced (Level 5, Level 6)
❖ Supply List
Paper : Saunders Waterford (300g/m2), Arches Aquarelle (185g/m2)
Paints : Shinhan, Holbein watercolors
Brushes : Kuretake Waterbrush, Chinese bamboo brushes and watercolor brushes from one dollar store (Cheap one)
Etc. : Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, Tachikawa dip pens and AP drawing ink
❖ There are many people who ask me which brushes are the preferred brushes to use for beginners.
My answer to them is that all the brushes are great to use and compliment each other.
My brushes are not expensive to purchase, they cost around $1-4 USD, some prices may vary on the different brushes used duo to special use of each brush.
Remember that with each brush you use you will have a different experience and a range of different feeling.
The important thing is that you and the brush work as one
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