Poet of the Un,South Korea.Встречаем известнейшего поэта мировой величины Ko Un,South Korea

Ko Un, South Korea Ko Un is widely acknowledged to be Korea’s foremost contemporary poet with an immense literary achievement of 160 books, out of which about 80 are poetry books including monumental 30-volume Maninbo (Ten Thousand Lives). Ko Un is often called Ko Uns instead of Ko Un by literary critics because of his incredible active volcano of productivity. Ko Un has received dozens of prestigious literary awards and honours at home and abroad, and more than 80 volumes of translations of his work have been published in about 35 foreign languages, Oriental and Western. For detailed information, see . Winner of a number of national and international prizes, including the 1998 Manhae Prize, the Griffin Prize for Poetry in 2008, and the Golden Crown in 2014. He was repeatedly nominated and considered among the likely candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Ko Un, South Korea Ко Ын широко известен как величайший современный поэт Кореи с огромным литературным достижением - 160 кн
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