Street Art City | Hotel 128 | Magda Cwik | After Hours Project | Matinée | France Lurcy-Lévis

This short film is about my monthly art residency in Street Art City where in an abandoned Hotel 128 located in Lurcy-Lévis, in the centre of France, I revamped one of the rooms to a completely new dimension. ‘MATINÉE – A Projection of Life’ is a space designed in mind to experience art in a different way. Feast your eyes, listen to the sounds, find and interact with hidden portals. Room 108 is the last room painted in an abandoned Hotel 128, Street Art City, France. We are born into this beautiful world and learn how to live life, we are programmed by our family, school, and media. The beginning of our journey is an exchange of experience, energy, and light. One day we start to discover the true self, who am I? It is an important step of our transformation path to find balance and content in our live. Find joy in spending time with your thoughts, meditate. The journey is not easy and no-one else can make the effort to walk it for you. You, me and everyone have a side of light and darkness. Understand and
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