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Support the label, buy it here: Artist: Rosa Anschütz Title: Goldener Strom Remixes1 Label: BPitch Catalogue: BPX020RMX Genre: Electronic Style: Techno Release date: November 25, 2022 Written & Produced by Rosa Anschütz & Jan Wagner Lyrics by Rosa Anschütz Tracklist: 1. Their Blood (Ellen Allien Remix) 2. Intuitive (Métaraph Remix) With Rosa Anschütz’ LP Goldener Strom picking up widespread praise, BPitch presents the first instalment of remixes from Ellen Allien and Métaraph. The album will undergo a transformative process, with several remix packages reimagi- ning Rosa’s stunning works due for release in the coming months. Ellen sprinkles a little Allien magic on ‘Their Blood’. Piston-driven beats pulsate alongside a stirring backdrop of gnarly synth work and Rosa’s unmistakable voice. Midway through, she incorporates a huge, melodramatic breakdown that sets the tone for the second half of this thrilling interpretation. In the past year, the prototype version of ‘’Their Blood’’ became an absolute festival staple among Ellen’s selection and a secret sensation for crowds all over the globe. In its final form, it is to be finally unleashed upon all. Métaraph takes charge of the second remix, putting their unique spin on ‘Intuitive’. Potent drums slam down, while Rosa’s vocals and a cacophony of bright sounds and effects counteract to the powerful percussive arrangement and grizzly low end. Follow #RosaAnschütz here: Follow #BPitch here: ___ DISCLAIMER: All tracks are uploaded in a low quality for promotional purposes only and with buy links to respect label and artists. CONTACT EMAIL: hatemusic1@ Follow us on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK for releases previews and news: Follow us on SOUNDCLOUD for exclusive podcast series:
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