4K30 Free Drone Stock Footage [1] [beach] [Sattahip]
As a Stock Footage, it has been filmed in flat format in order to make easier color grading in post.
A Stock Footage is sold on the market at a price varying from USD to USD depending on its quality (resolution, FPS, location, ...).
The duration of a Stock Footage is generally between 10 and 60 seconds.
Here is the link for free download the 3840x2160 30fps in various formats (D-Cinelike, , and *.MOV), as well as many more, free of charge.
This Stock Footage is primarily intended for independent productions that do not have the means, the time or the skills to produce a multitude of B-rolls, mainly aerial.
With this free Drone Stock Footage you are free to:
Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
Adapt: remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as lo
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