Freeing the mind of all support one should not allow any thought to arise. Then O gazelle-eyed Goddess, the state of Bhairava will be attained when the (individual) self has merged in the Absolute Self.
Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra - 108
Introduction - The Sphere of Reality
Reality in its simplest form can be seen as a sphere or as an egg. This spherical model can be conceptually divided into two halves: the upper hemisphere and the lower hemisphere. The upper hemisphere is the most subtle. It contains the consciousness, the being, the Supersoul. And the lower hemisphere is the most visible - the physical body, along with prana. The two hemispheres are interconnected by a plane, which is the mind.
What is Mind
What is mind? It is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been the subject of study and debate among philosophers, scientists, and spiritual thinkers for centuries. One way to understand the mind is to consider it a part which has been given to you. It is no