Kawaii bat charms/ear rings - live “Clay with me Sunday“ 130
,Let’s make kawaii bat ear rings/charms for “clay with me “ Sunday September 17.
Materials needed: - clays: black, pearl white, graphite pearl, a smidgeon of a colorful clay for the bat’s collar - roller, sculpting tool, ear ring findings, jewelry wire, jewelry pliers
Pour le live de september 17, nous allons faire des kawaii chauve-souris boucles d’oreille/charmes materiels necessaires: - pate: noir, blanc pearl, pearl gris fonce, un petit peu d’une couleur vive pour le collier du chauve souris - MAP, outil a sculpter, boucle d’oreille base, fil a cuivre pour bijoux, pinces pour bijoux
I buy my Premo, Fimo and Pardo clays and many other supplies from PolyClay Play.
If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, either post here on my channel under the “discussions“ tab or contact me through my website or FB page.
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