Deep Sea Escape (1962)

Full title reads: “Mediterranean. Deep Sea Escape“. Royal Navy test new escape suits for submarine crews. They escape from 260 ft. LV The experimental crew going on board submarine HMS “Tiptoe“. Slip pan - GV HMS submarine Tiptoe starting to submerge in the Mediterranean. SV Int: of Sub. Petty Officer Stokes getting into his suit instructed by Lt. Cmdr. Hamlin. GV Submarine Tiptoe submerging. SV Officers on bridge of HMS Miner the Sixth. GV Submarine Tiptoe almost submerged. SV Int: of submarine, escaper climbs ladder into the tower. GV As the first escaper surfaces. CU Escaper floating on water showing life suit used (quilted exposure suit). GV Another escaper submerging. SV Escaper floating on water waiting to be picked up. SV Officers on bridge of HMS Miner VI watching. SV Men being taken to ship on rubber dinghy. SV Int: of submarine, another escapist putting on life jacket. GV Another escapist surfacing. SV Man floating on water in life jacket. GV as he is pulled out of the
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