Jason Loughlin 🎸 1-2-3 Country (табы)

Jason Loughlin - 1-2-3 Country Табы для гитары к уроку - Группа [club213536961|Архив гитариста]. Тайм-коды: 00:00:00 1-2-3 Country Guitar - Introduction 00:03:13 Rhythm Guitar - SECTION 1 00:03:59 CAGED System - Overview 00:04:42 Three Movable Chord Shapes - C shape, A shape and E shape 00:05:18 Movable C - Chord Shape 1 00:06:16 Movable A - Chord Shape 2 00:06:53 Movable E - Chord Shape 3 00:07:37 Three I, IV, V Progressions - Overview 00:08:10 Single String Approach - Demonstration 00:09:36 6th String Approach - Demonstration 00:10:55 5th String Approach - Demonstration 00:11:49 Three Rhythm Guitar Techniques - Carter, Country Shuffle, Country Rock 00:12:18 Carter Style - Overview 00:13:20 Carter Style - Demonstration 00:19:00 Country Shuffle - Overview 00:19:33 Country Shuffle - Demonstration 00:21:43 Country Rock - Overview 00:22:23 Country Rock - Demonstration 00:25:48 Lead Guitar - SECTION 2 00:26:49 Using Variation in Leads - Overview 00:30:12 Flat Pickin’ Licks - Overview 00:31:13 Flat Pickin’ Lick For E Shape - Demonstration 00:34:43 Flat Pickin’ Lick For A Shape - Demonstration 00:37:48 Flat Pickin’ Lick For C Shape - Demonstration 00:41:35 Double Stop Licks - Overview 00:42:04 Double Stop Lick For E Shape - Demonstration 00:46:09 Double Stop Lick For A Shape - Demonstration 00:50:15 Double Stop Lick For C Shape - Demonstration 00:53:47 Bending Licks - Overview 00:54:19 Bending Lick For E Shape - Demonstration 00:57:58 Bending Lick For A Shape - Demonstration 01:01:43 Bending Lick For C Shape - Demonstration 01:05:18 Country Repertoire - SECTION 3 01:05:53 Honky Tonk - Overview 01:08:14 Honky Tonk Rhythm - Playalong 01:11:54 Honky Tonk Lead - Playalong 01:15:12 Boot Scootin’ - Overview 01:17:44 Boot Scootin’ Rhythm - Playalong 01:22:15 Boot Scootin’ Lead - Playalong 01:26:37 Bakerfield Shuffle - Overview 01:29:10 Bakerfield Shuffle Rhythm - Playalong 01:36:00 Bakerfield Shuffle Lead - Playalong 01:38:39 Prison Blues - Overview 01:42:36 Prison Blues: Rhythm - Playalong 01:47:53 Prison Blues: Lead - Playalong 01:50:43 Why Won’t You Call Me? - Overview 01:55:20 Why Won’t You Call Me: Rhythm - Playalong 02:01:32 Why Won’t You Call Me: Lead - Playalong 02:04:08 Okie On Parole - Overview 02:07:34 Okie On Parole: Rhythm - Playalong 02:11:59 Okie On Parole: Lead - Playalong 02:19:10 1-2-3 Country Guitar - Conclusion
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