MASK STORE (for Visa, Mastercadrd) MASK STORE (for PayPal) ВК страница Facebook page LYRICS: We are taking a lot of meat! You do want to be strong like those guys from TV? right? beef, lamb, chicken, turkey are my daily ritual as much meat as fucking possible dont forget about complex carbohydrates, you cunt... and about the vegetables also dont forget, where will you take vitamins bitch? take as much seasoning as possible ten outta ten, you need salt and pepper, because pussies can not eat raw meat without seasoning Next thing you need is to choose a side dish, If this is no...t the meat than you’re motherfucking pussy Good, now we are taking some pasta for muscle growth! Basterds Hash meat ! BLOOD! Hash meat ! Hash meat! hash hash hash hash hash fucking meat. love this shit fuck yes! blood everywhere! I put all dis shi
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