A mortar crew destroyed the control point for enemy drones on the coast of the Dnieper

A mortar crew destroyed the control point for enemy drones on the coast of the Dnieper After an unsuccessful attempt by the enemy to attack the positions of our troops on the banks of the Dnieper, servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces received the take-off coordinates of an enemy drone, thereby identifying the location of the drone operators of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. With rapid mortar fire, the dugout with enemy personnel was completely destroyed, which was confirmed by the reconnaissance UAV of our troops. Soldiers of the 1197th Motorized Rifle Regiment daily repel enemy attacks along the banks of the Dnieper River, on a line of contact stretching more than 20 km. Prevent attempts to attack with kamikaze drones and wing-type drones. They are shot down by air defense systems. In addition, the regiment’s military personnel nullify the activity of enemy sabotage groups trying to land on the shore. The regiment’s mortar crews break up enemy groups with precise strikes. Join Mili... Source: Military Wave
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