Beautiful Fall Forest Colors 4K UHD Ambience of Autumn Nature for Relaxation

Enjoy the beauty and brightness of the warm colors of the autumn forest on one of the last sunny days of autumn. All around, little birds chirp merrily, crows caw, a woodpecker chirps somewhere, and grasshoppers and crickets can be heard in the grass. And as soon as the wind blows, golden leaves rustle down from tired trees. It’s still warm. Many more colors and sounds fill the forest before it sinks into its winter slumber. 📅 Date: September 22, 2023 🔔 SUBSCRIBE I regularly publish new videos with natural sounds for relaxation, meditation, restful sleep and stress relief. Be sure to subscribe to channel updates so you do not miss new videos. 🔊 The sounds of this video contains an audio recording made by the author of the channel. © , 2023. All rights reserved. All content in this video is original. Video shooting and editing was done by me. Any repub
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