OIL PAINTING TIPS || The Mind of an Artist #8

Another “The Mind of an Artist“ Episode including the obligatory food analogy... MY CURRENT FAVORITE BRUSHES: Liquin: PAINTS: Sketchbook: Ivory black: Transparent Oxide Red: Yellow Ochre: Prussian Blue: Viridian: Cadmium Red: Alizarin Crimson: Titanium White: Kingsblue Cadmium Yellow MOLESKINE ART SKETCHBOOK: ▶Shop with small Sketches and Studies: ▶ Connect with me INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: WEBSITE: ▶ Music - Anomie Belle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *All the Amazon links are affiliate links, ...you can basically purchase anything you like after using the links and I will get a small commission off that sale at no extra cost to you.
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