What is the fundamental nature of reality? | Paul Davies, Rupert Sheldrake, Katie Robertson

Paul Davies, Rupert Sheldrake, and Katie Robertson discuss what the world is made of. 00:00 Intro/Theme One 01:00 Paul Davies 04:10 Katie Robertson 07:00 Rupert Sheldrake Watch the full debate at Once we imagined that the world was made of atoms. Our children are now taught that it is made of fundamental particles, quarks, leptons and bosons. Then again particles themselves disappear in contemporary physics leaving us with fields, and energy. But what are these made of? Some talk of relations, information and mathematics. It seems we have lost the stuff of the universe and found nothing else in its place. Should we just give up on physical stuff altogether? Should we recognise that it is not possible to provide an account of ultimate bits and just make use of our theories to achieve our goals? Or can we imagine that we might finally come up with an answer and know once and for all
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