VICTORIA -- A large group of people gathered outside the Ministry of Health today with a message, stop smart meters. They hand delivered more than 160 studies and articles; making a case for the dangers behind the level of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the new meters.
The group wants a moratorium on new installations, and at the very least would like people to have the choice to accept or deny them.
The group is also dismissing a study done by the BC Centre for Disease Control which shows the radio frequency emissions of smart meters are less than those of other household devices s
...uch as baby monitors, cell phones, and micro waves.
However, BC Hydro, who is installing the new meters, says the density of the radio frequency is safe. It says if you were to stand in front of your smart meter for 20 years, it would be equivalent to a thirty minute cell phone call.
Supporters of say they will keep fighting, and plan to gather support for a possible smart meter referendum, if the Ministry of Health doesn’t address their concerns further.
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